Tuesday, October 30, 2012

apple chip love

We have harvested the last of the apples from the trees.The counters sit filled with apples so red that I keep envisioning Snow White sneaking in to steal a treat. I have so many apple recipes that my head spins and my imagination is full to overflowing with what to do with all these goodies. And while I am delighted by recipes for pies and cakes and breads and unique treats to be made, sometimes it is the simplest treat that catches my fancy the most.

I am forever trying to find ways to make the stuff in life that we need and be far less dependent on the stores or outside sources. My motto is, "if I can make it I can't buy it" (at least not unless I want to support a small farmer or hand crafter that I really admire!). There is nothing more satisfying than making something that you and your family can enjoy. There is a certain pride to be taken from the DIY lifestyle. This time around I made baked apple chips. It is one of the simplest recipe I have made. It requires very little prep time and few ingredients but the end results are very satisfying and delicious!

Baked Apple Chips

What you will need:
An apple corer (I used my peeler and it worked out nicely)

The steps are easy as pie (actually easier)!
1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees.
2. Rinse and core the apples.
3.Slice them into thin-ish circles.
4. Put the slices onto a cookie sheet.
5. Sprinkle with the cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger.
6. Place into the oven and bake for 2 hours (or until the apple chips are the texture you want them); check them at the one hour mark and turn them over so that they bake evenly.
Raise or lower the temperature of your oven as needed to get the best results.

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