Sunday, July 22, 2012

getting ready...

It's that time of year again, for me. Time to start rummaging through the art supplies, through the books, through all of the bits and bobs that make up our learning experiences and start prepping for more homeschooling/unschooling to be in full swing soon. 
While we "educate" and learn and grow all year round, I find that it is right around this time where the kids are looking for different crafting supplies. It's right about now that they want new books and are a whole lot more mature and ready for certain ideas and subjects than they were at this time last year. Maybe it's because all of them get one year older in June and July that I start to notice around July/ August that we are having a household growth spurt. 
So once again I have pulled out all of my books...and borrowed ones I do not own but desperately need from the library. I am updating my momma skills to match the new stages everyone is moving into. I am cracking advise books on unschooling, Waldorf catalogs, and wracking my brain (and other blogs) for ideas to fly us through this next season! 
So much has changed since last year. So much growth and so much new information to glean in the seasons to come. I am quite excited!

What do you and your family do to gear up for learning? I'd love to hear it!

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