The theme of living in our house is finding ways to be happy within yourself and having gratitude for that which surrounds you. When life becomes hectic and harried though, it is hard to remember to be grateful in the moment and see the small stuff that brings the joy into life. I have been making this happen by singing silly songs to my kids when i'm feeling most aggravated. For my oldest, Loki, writing is the way to go. With this in mind we went a searching for a journal that he could really get into writing in. And boy did we find an amazing journal. It is 100% recycled; but from what will blow your mind.
Have you guessed yet?.....It's made from elephant poop!
Too fun and definitely the selling point for a great (and sometimes potty oriented) little boy! I bought this little journal from the local craft shop but you can find them at I was surprised to find out how soft and lovely the pages inside really are. Definitely my kind of innovation!
It has decided to rain today. Nevermind that it is late June in California; rain it will.
Lucky for me I love wet weather. It inspires feelings of cozy, cuddly, family time. It also brings out my inner kitchen goddess! So to bring on the summer warmth inside when its suddenly cold outside I and my sweetheart got to cooking.
We in this house have become absolutely addicted to the WHO Bread that SouleMama has on her site ( I modified it a little and put honey all over the top while it is rising. (You can see little puddles of honey in the corners of the pan) I love honey! As requested by SouleMama's kids, I do the mandatory owl whoot when I make this bread. It brings giggles from kids and big people alike. I absolutely love the acoustic version. There is a certain joy that comes from making food from scratch rather than going to the store for it. And it is so much yummier this way too!
Lucky us, a friend gave us lucious summer veggies from their families organic garden and this weather encouraged these veggies to become Yummy Summer Soup!
Dipping the WHO Bread in this soup is like heaven.
The sun should be back tomorrow and we are thrilled. But for today this is perfect!