Tuesday, March 27, 2012

50 Days Of Gratitude- Day #1

Day #1: Renewed Beginnings

In my life I have had many hard days...and really who hasn't?!
In the same light I have been graced with many beautiful blessings.
And while I am supremely grateful for every instance of my life; all of my lessons, heartaches, joys, and everything in between, I have found that my level of gratitude has been lacking.
I want to raise my children to be happy people.
To lead fulfilling and compassionate existences.
One of the purest and simplest ways for me to do this is to teach them to have gratitude in life by myself taking gratitude in even the tiniest things in life.
I want to share these 50 days with you and I encourage you to join in.
You can share your that which you are grateful for in the comments or link to your own blog. 
I would love to be part of the gratitude cycle with all of you!
As I move through my 50 days, I will try to set the pace of each day with a gratitude theme.
I will continue to post other items incorporating them into the 50 Days of Gratitude.

Today, I am grateful for the renewed energy I have in my work, my family, my choice to be on the homeschool journey with my children, and the growth of love between me and my 'love'.
Bliss and Blessings and Joy your way today!

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