Thursday, August 4, 2011

World Breastfeeding Week

This week is a wonderful fantastic week for many reasons. One of those reasons is that it is World Breastfeeding Week! As a full time nurser 3 times running (so far 4.5 years of my life) I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding and the many wondrous gifts it gives to mama and baby. The breast is a place our wee ones not only seek nourishment but also comfort, closeness, reassurance, safety, love. How perfect a gift to be offered to a precious baby. What a gift for a mommy to experience. I know that there are many mama's out there who may not have been able to nurse and I just want to say that we are all amazing mothers no matter what choices we have made about nourishing our children. Love is Love!!! For those who have nursed, those who wanted to but couldn't, those who plan on doing so in the future, or those who never thought about it until today, I wish you all a wonderful World Breastfeeding Week!
Join the many women who will be attempting to set a record for the most simultaneously nursing mamas! Go to Big Latch On (; you can find official locations near you or even create a site for counting the women in your area!
Do you have any beautiful nursing pics? Share them with us and let the world know how proud you are to nurse your little ones.

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